Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Day 2

Today's blog is from Harper Al-Kubaisi and Oliver Warren

We started the day talking to a vegetarian that eats chicken (Evie). She has decided that when she grows up she is going to marry a chicken nugget, but would probably eat it within a few days! 
After discussing all the laws needed to make Evie's marriage possible we arrived at park Guell, the mosaic tiles on display were amazing! We were all especally fond of the lizard. Every thing in The park was either covered In mosaic patterns or stunning flowers and the views of barcelona were incredible. 
After about an hour of wandering round the Gaudi gardens we all cooled off in a small cove in the wall whilst some people went to the gift shop and brought some postcards, magnets, models, ect. 

Next was the sagrada família, I don't think you can really appreciate it just by looking at photographs because when the coach drew up next to the church the was a collective gasp from the group. The 170 metre catherdral towered above us with the cranes still working on the unfinished structure. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we walked inside. The first thing you see is the bands of light cast onto the walls by the colourful stain glass windows. The columns dotted around the inside looked like trees (which was Gaudi's inspiration). Each was illuminated by a different colour ranging from dark blues to bright yellows! 

After lunch (in which lots of chicken nuggets were consumed) we headed to water world. When we arrived everyone was impatient to get on the biggest slide there was and after a quick change we scattered into the different parts of the park. One of the most popular rides in the park was 'speed furious'. It was a tall ride with a vertical drop, you climbed up the stairs and got into a see through capsule, standing. You had to fold your arms and keep your head back then the life gaurd would give a signal and the floor gave way. Next thing you know your speeding down a open slide having the time of your life but also being given a major wedgie! The other rides were just as fun sending you down rapids, large slides and the like! After 4 hours of this we were all completely drenched and exhausted but exhilaredted. I think it was everyone's favourite part of the day and in most cases we came back to the hotel browner than before. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats one lucky chicken nugget!!! Everything looks amazing, thanks for the update guys.
